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Senior Member BlackCloud is Male


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Location: Leicestershire, UK

Last Activity: 20-07-12
Join Date: 19-08-08
Referrals: 1
Online Status: BlackCloud is offline

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About me

Not very interesting me... :-) Understand some of the technical aspects of photography but putting theory to practice doesn't come easy and hindered by cr*ppy imagination and ability to make the shot! Can do almost nothing with Photoshop... Having a mid-life crisis, worked abroad in the Middle East...but now back, time-limited and have to go to work every day in downtown suburbia. Would love to win the lottery, pack a back pack and just tour the Middle East, India, China, Nepal with a camera...freedom and adventure.

Are you looking here because I have C&C'd your work? Well look, I always say what I think is fair. Yes, I will have an opinion and I will always try and be helpful. If it doesn't float my boat I will say so. If technically there are issues for improvement I'll try and say so - should I even understand the issue myself! Credit where credit is due, you'll notice I will also be praising some peoples work. It's only my opinion...and I am a nobody. Ignore it or fight back if you wish. It's only art and it's only opinion but at least consider the points I and others make. :)

Name: Stu
Occupation: Window cleaner and part time kissogram
I Drive a: Vauxhall Insignia CDTi SRI
Cameras Owned: (D)SLR. Point & Shoot or Compact Camera. Digital Camcorder.
I'm: In a LTR
Kit 1: Nikon D700
Nikon 28-70 f2.8 ED AF-S (The Beast)
Nikon 80-200mm f2.8
Tamron 24-135 SP
Nikon 300mm f4
Nikon 70-300mm VR
Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 (DX)
Nikon 28-105mm (great walkaround on D700!)
Lensbaby Composer
Nikon 20-35mm f2.8
Nikon SB800
Kit 2: Nikon D300
Nikon 20mm f2.8
Nikon 24mm f2.8
Nikon 28mm f2.8
Nikon 35mm f2
Nikon 50mm f1.4
Nikon 85mm f1.8
Micro-Nikon 60mm f2.8
Micro-Nikon 105mm f2.8
Tamron 28-75mm f2.8


Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2



    15-03-12 01:42 AM

    Hope you're back around here a bit more? Missed you much!
    View Conversation


    24-09-08 05:32 PM

    "I'm not interesting, I don't know anything...I am only a number...now will you let me go..."

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