Join Date: May 2011
Location: East Sussex
Posts: 1
Just to quickly try and answer KenTT's comment of why hire companies do not sell more lenses.
We tried a hire before you buy a few years back. The real problem was that 'street' prices varied dramatically dependent not really on trade prices but also the kick-backs they were getting from the manufacturers allowing them to price sometimes below trade.
So if you had to make enough on a lens to cover the rental and you were already paying more than Joe Public could buy the same equipment off a retailer then it was a non-starter! If fact the only equipment we were ever able to do this with was bodies as there was enough margin to just about make it worthwhile.
We're still trying to find a way around this but margins are just so tight on lenses that it's quite hard.
Sure Stuart from Lensesforhire would very much agree on this (and yes they are very nice people - we quite often work together on bigger jobs).