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11-09-10, 02:44 AM

Re: Old Town

Thank you XX

Bob, I was going to buy an action for photoshop that with one click , it resized, create a frame, added a watermark and sharpened,from Blogstomp, but at $30 for one version decided to go to You tube and found a tutorial, and made my own. So now, with one click I have a completely ready to post or blog image.

Thanks Sammy

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11-09-10, 08:18 AM

Re: Old Town

These are a lovely set. Very interesting. You probably understand Suzi, and for Bob's information, some of us are looking at all the detail, even the little things in the background because it is a window on another part of the world, our US cousins. I mean in the mainland Uk how far would you have to go to see a wooden house? You could travel for hours and hours, and even to see a UK flag you might even get the police around because someone has teken offence! We generally don't have overhead wires and cables, and no doubt someone would be taking a law suit against you bacause they cut their arm on the metal palm trees trying to burgle your house!!

i really must learn photoshop much better. To be able to just do all that in one action is fantastic.
Kit 1
Nikon D700
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Nikon 80-200mm f2.8
Tamron 24-135 SP
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Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 (DX)
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Lensbaby Composer
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Nikon SB800
Kit 2
Nikon D300
Nikon 20mm f2.8
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11-09-10, 02:21 PM

Re: Old Town

Lots of houses still are wood in construction, I have so many pictures I have taken the last 2 years, and never bother sharing as I thought they'd bore the pants off you lot. You would freak if you saw some of the more rural housing, some are not much more than a shack really, that surprised me immensely when I moved here.

The overhead cables tend to be in more rural and older parts, I don't have them but go a mile down the road and they are everywhere. Think this is a major problem why a big storm can knock the power out much easier than in the Uk, because the lines come down never experienced so many black outs until I came to the US, the electricity system seems very outdated. During Hurricane Ike, 11 days it took to get power back on where I live, which is why we are getting a generator that cuts in when the electricity cuts out, it's more a case of when than if, of that happening again. We get humungous thunderstorms, and the power will just go off, the worst was when I was in the shower, soap suds in my eyes, and in the dark

It's a country of massive extremes, best and worse of everything, I never talk politics here, especially not since moving to Texas I zip it when health care is mentioned, as I can't imagine what it must be like to be terrified of your child being ill, and if you can afford treatment, or having help when you are old etc.
I also, very much value, our healthcare system at home so much more,yes, it has problems,and it's abused at times, but it is something to be very proud of, that you can go and see a doctor for free and get treatment without having to worry about how to pay it.
Freaks me out, the cabinets of handguns in sports shops, or mounted trophies on walls of the same shops.

BUT I love it here the scenery is like nothing I have ever seen, real wilderness, a short drive away. I hiked for days on the Appalachian Trail and saw just one other person, it was the best experience, just me ,my dog, a lot of snakes, and maybe a a black bear or two that I never saw, but was convinced they were watching me

I love the optimism of the country, if you want to do something, people offer to help, don't tell you can't do that, or why do you think you are doing that. It has a anything is possible attitude.... LOVE IT. if you mess up, well, at least you tried, it's very infectious.

It's very familiar, and yet completely different at the same time

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